這各她是各他這各她是各他 2009女子八百公尺冠軍Semenya在柏林以1分50秒奪冠但信用貸款是被懷疑這各她是各他 Gender Games: Could the Women's 800-meter World 酒店經紀Champ Be a Man?By William Lee Adams Thursday, Aug. 20, 2009Caster Semenya 租屋網celebrates winning the women's 800m final race at the 2009 IAAF 21世紀房屋仲介Athletics World Championships in Berlin . South African runner Caster 吳哥窟Semenya's muscular physique helped propel her to victory during the 小額信貸800 meters at Wednesday night's world track and field championships in 長灘島Berlin . Now that physique, coupled with an ongoing gender verification 買房子test, is fueling suspicion that Semenya could be stripped of her medal 設計裝潢because she is actually a he. 居酒屋,8599,1917767,00.html?iid=tsmodule

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